August 1, 2011


I was talking to my husband the other night and we got chatting about the past.  I was saying how I never knew what I wanted to "be" when I grew up... and I still don't.  I went through countless majors in college only to graduate with a degree I knew I would never use just to have a degree.  Even my childhood scrap book is filled with ambitions like "I want to be a gymnastics person who gets first place sometimes."  Oh yeah, I dreamed big.

Then my husband had one of those rare moments of insight.  "You're supposed to be a Mom," he said.

Ohhhh.  That's why this time in my life feels so right.  I can guarantee that monkey bear will grow out of the mothering need long before my buddy does.  I'd by lying if I said that I wasn't a little excited about having my buddy hanging out with me for many years.  I've been searching for a great reason never to have to find a job ever again. 

I will try my best to raise him to be as independent as he can.  The truth of that is living in the guest house out back may be it for him.  (Not that we have a guest house, mind you)  I really am OK with that - assuming he is OK with it as well. 

I love being mom.  I will mother them as long as they will let me.


  1. You'll be amazed that your monkey bear will never grow out of the mothering need(s). I'm a grown women and at times, I still need my mother :~)

    We are a privileged few who loves being "mom"...I know so many who loves the idea of having children but relies on others to raise their them.


  2. What a great blog! I am an author and the proud father of a 38-year-old daughter with Down syndrome. She still lives with us, but is very independent and has a very full life all her own!
    I have written a novel in ebook form, A SPY AT HOME, which is available on Amazon. In this book I have a central character, Noah, who has Down. I invite you to read this ebook, and I would be very interested in your thoughts about the story. I can be reached directly at
    Thank you for your blog and for sharing your child with Down syndrome.
    Joe Rinaldo
