August 10, 2010

I would never...

I was a nanny for 9 year and had compiled a grand list of things-I-would-never-do when I was the mom.  Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  Here's just a short list of the rules I've broken thus far:

*  chocolate before 9:00am
*  pick my child's nose
*  couch, carseat, and carpet all encrusted with half chewed crackers
*  donuts a few times a month
*  TV as a babysitter/pacifier
*  share a lollipop with my child
*  out in public with mismatched clothes with a hint of lunch on them and no shoes

Oh, motherhood is nothing like you think it will be.  I do however have my proud moments.  For one, my kids have never eaten fast food (unless you count the munchkins).  We laugh full belly laughs every day.  I shower them with hugs and kisses with plenty of I-love-you's on top.  And I really try and listen to them... well just her for now.  My buddy's biggest heart-to-heart is a deep need for more crackers.

There are so many amazing moments in the life of your children.  Sometimes it's hard to focus on them when all you can see is the trouble and the whining and the nonstop needs.  I've been trying to tell myself that they won't be young forever and don't sweat the small stuff.  Monkey bear is terrified of dogs - no big deal.  My buddy still uses a bottle - chances are he won't when he is 16.  They both want to be in my lap at the same time... bring it on.  I will take every snuggle I can get now and store it away for when they are teenagers.

I spent years not knowing what I wanted to do with my life.  Wondering who I was supposed to be.  Then all of a sudden these two amazing little beings plopped into my life and made me Mom.  I am right where I belong.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. I had a very similar list way back when...& have also readjusted mine...the "crackers in the car seat" one hits especially close to home.
