August 14, 2013

good and bad

The good news is we have found a house we like and it seems like it is going to work out.  I will be nervous until we sign the dotted line and they hand the keys over to us.  The bad news is the behavior problems are escalating.

Big sis has a complete crying breakdown at least once a day.  Sometimes its because she misses her home other times its over a toy that is packed in a box that is her FAVORITE and can't live another day without it.  Rara has always been weary of other people and spends a large portion of the day clinging to me or crying.  She slipped in the tub and split her tongue open.  Now when I try and give her a bath she starts screaming as soon as her toes touch the water.

The worst is my buddy.  Whatever we are all feeling, he feels it 10X worse.  There are times in each day where I think, it's not so bad.  My buddy will build a block tower with Papa or they will all play with their cousins.  We'll have a great swim in the pool.  Sometimes we'll play a nice quiet game in the camper while Rara naps.  Those are magical times where I appreciate this transition time.

Then there are those other times.  My buddy has developed this guttural scream.  Along with that horrendous noise is hitting, kicking, shoving, throwing and flailing about.  The worst of times he is doing all of the above at the same time.  But more often it's just a couple behaviors at a time.  I want to scream to anyone that will listen, "This is not him.  He may be a handful but not like this.  He has never been like this before."

I know that so much is out of his control right now.  My buddy doesn't have his own little space to be quiet and recharge himself.  Other than his clothes, cup and quilt - everything is different.  He's tired of being told "no" all day long.  I get it, but it doesn't make it any easier.

Enough of my pity party and lets enjoy some pictures of the happy times.

The inside of the camper.  I am getting used to the small space and find it cozy.

If the stars are aligned, the big kids will stay quiet and I can help this one sleep when she doesn't nap enough.

Discovering new parks and getting along with each other.

August 8, 2013

stay positive

I have been working really hard on not complaining too much - something that seems to come so naturally to me.  I am very lucky that I have a free place to stay with people who love my children.  I am missing some me time and just a little space to myself.  The kids are all a little off their game.  But we are all managing.  I decided to take some pictures of the good things about this transition time.

Time to get to know cousins better.

Their favorite toy.

The baby is laughing hysterically at big sis doing peekaboo while rara kisses her.

These two getting even closer.

As soon as Papa left, they stole his chair,

They share a bed and are always snuggled up to each other.

Lots of outings.

Fun with apples in the yard.  They have provided a lot of entertainment.  However, they sound like a bomb exploded when they hit the top of the RV in the middle of the night.

my buddy throws them with wild abandon

I love watching her stand and walk.  Not quite 100% walking but getting there.

Finding a quiet corner to vroom some trucks.

Just think of how amazing it will feel when we are finally in our own space.  Our space that our children will grow up in.