July 6, 2010


Monkey bear is three.  It hardly seems possible.  I can remember those newborn days like they were yesterday.  She wouldn't latch, wouldn't sleep unless she was in my arms, and forced me to tears daily.  Oh, the good ol' days.  I remember blubbering multiple times a day, "I always wanted more than one child, but I can't ever do this again."

Now my little monkey bear is as close to an angel as a three year old can be.  She has the biggest heart I've ever seen in a child.  The patience she has for her little brother and endless love for those who surround her is inspiring.  She delights me daily.

I try hard not to brag too much about her.  But man she makes it so hard.  Monkey bear listens when I ask her not to do something, shares whatever she may have, and lets me know when my buddy needs something.  Have I mentioned that she is brilliant as well?

Of course she has her shortcomings.  Don't we all?  When faced with a group setting she refuses to utter a single word.  She won't even shake her head when asked a question.  I would be lying if I said monkey bear never had a single meltdown, but lucky for me she saves them for home.

I have loved these past three years watching her grow and change and I look forward to a lifetime of seeing who she will become.  It is amazing how big your heart can grow when a child enters your life.

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